

  • "Rich Dad,Poor Dad," a very popular book ,is a very "alternative" best-selling books,author Robert Kiyosaki tells his own personal experience of the rich and how to educate their children about money issues,and these look like common sense ideas and knowledge about money,it is the poor and the middle-class families do not have.and that can be said that authors in this book away a "rich man's secret."《富爸爸,穷爸爸》一书是一本十分畅销也十分“另类”的书,畅销书作家罗伯特·清崎用自己的亲身经历讲述了富人如何教育孩子有关金钱的问题,而这些看似常识的关于金钱的观念和知识却是穷人和中产阶级家庭所没有的.可以说作者在此书中一语道破了“富人的秘密”.