

  • 挂灯笼

    Hanging lanterns for Chinese New Year celebration is intended to get lucky.

    Lanterns in three:hanging lights,put lights,lantern.

    Hanging lights high in the beam,and illuminates the entire room,with bright,warm and peaceful,happy.

    Mainly in order to put lights decorate the house,not much practical use,but also to enhance the festive atmosphere.

    Lantern is thirty at night the children went house to house lights illuminate the road stopping,remember when the annual Spring Festival will be nice to buy a lovely new light,and small partners to stopping New Year.The lantern can be used not only to illuminate,but also take a light bright future best wishes.

    福字倒写倒贴:1.福从天降 Blessing from heaven

    2.表示福“(倒)到”了的意思.Said the blessing "(back) to " the meaning.
