2人英语对话 does money talk?或are you safe today?


  • 貌似不够长,我加!

    A:Let's talk something about money

    B:GO ahead,what do you want to talk about the money?

    A:Do you think money talk?

    B:what?!are you kidding?How could money talk……it doesn't have a mouth.

    A:I think you misunderstood what i was saying.I mean do you think money is almighty?

    B:Of course!you can buy anything with it!

    A:how about love?can money buy you your love?

    B:no problem!it's really easy to have a girlfriend if i am a millionare!

    A :well……what about health?Can money bring you your health?

    B:Nonsense!I will get better medical service if i had billions of dollars!i would hire private doctor,and full-time nurse if i became sick.

    A:holy shit.!Money isn't almighty!Can you have dinner with God if you pay for it?Can you make Barak Obama kissing you ass if you pay for him?or can you put your asshole into your face it you pay for your surgeon?!of course you cann't
