"But if the decay is not exponential why the empirical resul


  • 译文:但是,如果衰减不是指数的,那为什么实证结果所表明的并非如此?


    But if the decay is not exponential,

    why the empirical results suggest otherwise?


    这一句是摘自《Quantum Theory of Tunneling》(量子穿隧理论)一书,以下是这句的上下文:

    We begin our study of quantum tunneling by investigating as to why tunneling is exclusively a quantum phenomena and does not have a classical counterpart.Then we obtain a general result about the time dependence of the decay of a quasi-stationary system,and in particular the non-exponential nature of the decay.But if the decay is not exponential why the empirical results suggest otherwise?To explain this we study a solvable problem and show that an exponential decay,while is not exact,is a very good approximation.