短文改错:my friend Lichao is only 17,and he has already been reg


  • My friend Li Chao is only 17,(and改成but) he has already been regarded (加入as)a local hero.He recently saved a little girl's life.Last Wednesday he was walking to school (while改成when) he noticed a little girl lying on the ground,(held改成holding) her neck.Beside her there was a cup of popcorns.It was obvious that she must be (choking改成choked) on the popcorn.She was struggling to breathe and was in (去掉the) danger.Other people nearby were (scaring改成scared).Li chao remembered that he (has改成had) seen the techniques of getting things out of one's throat on TV.He did that at once and saved the girl (on改成in) time.People around highly praised him.Li chao gained people's respect for (her改成his) deed.