你星期几 去理发呢 ?翻译谢谢1 你星期几 去理发呢 ? 到时候喊我一下2 你几号 去理发 ? 我4月5日去理发3 我下


  • 你好:

    1 What day would you go to have your hair cut? Please call me when you want to go to the baber's.

    2 What is the date would you go to have your hair cut? I will go on April 5th.

    3 I will have my hair cut next Wednesday.

    4 I will have my hair cut on third next month.

    5 How about this baber shop ? Not bad , the baber's skill good / It's not so good, don't get there.

    6 How much is it to have my hair cut ? It's twenty yuan per time.
