

  • 请看下面这道选择题:

    She announced __________ that she would go abroad.

    A.us B.to us C.for us D.herself

    析:此题应选 B 项.因为 announce 接双宾语时必须在间接宾语前加 to .如:应说 announce some news to us ,而不能说 announce us some news .现笔者将中学阶段的双宾语用法简单归纳如下:

    一、间接宾语和直接宾语位置可以互换,当间接宾语位于直接宾语之后时,其前必须使用介记号 to .这类动词有:give ,pass ,hand ,lend ,return ,show ,bring ,take ,sell 等.如:

    Show me the photo,please.= Show the photo to me,please.

    如果直接宾语为代词 it 或 them ,则只能使用“及物动词 + 直接宾语 +to+ 间接宾语”的形式.如:

    That book is mine.Please hand it to me.

    二、间接宾语和直接宾语位置可以互换,当间接宾语位于直接宾语之后时,其前面必须使用介词 for .这类动词有:buy ,get ,make ,draw ,paint ,sing ,keep ,fix 等.如:

    Can you buy me a pen?= Can you buy a pen for me?

    如果直接宾语为代词,则只能使用“及物动词 + 直接宾语 +for+ 间接宾语“的形式.如:

    I like listening to popular songs.Can you sing one for me?

    三、间接宾语和直接宾语位置不可互换,只能使用“及物动词 +to+ 间接宾语”的形式.这类动词有:announce ,explain ,express ,report ,say ,talk ,shout ,mention 等.如:

    He suggested to me that I (should) give up smoking.

    He proved to the judge that he wasn’t in that day.

    四、间接宾语和直接宾语位置不可互换,只能使用“及物动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语”的形式.常见的这类动词有:answer ,envy ,forgive ,kiss ,refuse ,strike 等.如:

    Forgive him his rudeness.

    She kissed the child good-bye.

    五、在直接宾语前带有介词 with ,可利用介词 for 或 to 把间接宾语后面.这类动词有:supply ,provide ,furnish 等.如:

    The water works supplies us with excellent water.= The water works supplies excellent water to (for) us.