

  • 3.1.3借喻



    Metonymy is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another.This substituted name may be an attribute of that other thing or be closely associated with it.In other words,it involves a “change of name,”.Metonymy use few words to express implied meaning.It not only creates association and imagin,but orders the rymthm and avoids the repetition making the language colourful as well.

    (5)I'd move mountains for her,but today I'll start with one extraordinary stone.(De Beers)(我愿为她搬掉大山,但今天我却要从一块特殊的石头开始.—德比尔斯)


    This is the advertisment of De Beers diamond.It applys the device of Metonymy which not express the diamond itself,but use the stone to instead.The comparison between mountain and stone is strong and impressive.

    (6)Nobody fits your body…or the way you live…better than Lee.(再也没有比李氏休闲骑手牛仔更合身,更适合你生活方式的牛仔了.)


    The use of common noun to replace the special one can always be seen in advertising.It means using the manufacturer's name to replace the actual product or using the brand name to do it.LEE in the example (5) (这里应该是(6)吧) is used to take the place of the products of this brand.The expression is direct and simple.
