

  • 1.Yesterday,they __went__(go) to the market and _bought___(buy) a lot of vegetables and fruit.

    2.We must __get__ (get) on the bus one by one.WE mustn't push____ (push) others.

    3.What will you __do__(do) next week?I _will play___(play) basketball and __take__(take)part in a piano contest.

    3.We all __lost__(lose) our way last Sunday.Then we _called___(call) for help.Luckily,someone __heard__(hear)us .They__helped__(help)us __find__(find) our way.

    5Look,the boys _are running___(run) and the girls _are playing___(play) baqdminton over there.

    6.We need to __throw__(throw) rubbish in the bin.We shouldn't __throw__(throw)it on the floor.That's rude.