那一集菲比给Ross出主意让他和Rachel去复合,用到了一句古怪的话,大意就是,你们可以像龙虾一样,手牵手(龙虾自然是钳子相互钳了),那样就是恩爱和好如初的恋人.最后看完tape之后Rachel主动去亲Ross说明Rachel原谅了他,Ross和Rachel就和好如初了.所以He is her lobster.你再看一遍就懂了.
He is her lobster是什么意思?出自《老友记friends》
He is generous _____ her friends. She often shares her
The doctor( )he sent her friend is very known.
check it out在老友记里的意思
老友记中一句话不懂老友记第二季第三集(TOW Mr Heckles dies)中phoebe有一句什么意思,“Well,
hang out with her friend是什么意思
【老友记】do you think he's doing any better than he was this mor
"Such as he is too friendly to make friends"什么意思?
【老友记309】图,Instead of 作句子开头啥意思
老友记里 Thy is she in the title?怎么翻译?