miss out用法


  • miss out

    1.lose a good chance错失良机

    You missed out by not coming with us;we had a great time.你没有同我们一起去真是错失了良机,我们玩得可开心啦.

    You'll miss out unless you get to the shop on the first morning of the sale.商店开张的第一天早上要是不去的话,你会错过良机的.

    2.fail to put in遗漏;略去

    The printers have missed out a line.印刷工人遗漏了一行字.

    Would you like to check the report in case I've missed out anything important?你检查一下我的报告好吗?万一我漏掉了一些重要内容.

    You may miss out the third paragraph of the article while reading it .你读这篇文章时可略去第3段.

