介词与副词填空1 we can buy school things ( )this shop ( )our way ho


  • 1 we can buy school things (from )this shop ( on )our way home

    2 please open your books and turn( to )page 135.

    3 I often meet Uncle Wang on my way( in )the morning

    4 here is a postcard( from )Jim to his friend( in )the USA

    5 What is the name( of )the cat

    6:I think that shop is open ( at )this time ( every )day

    7 it is time( for )bed

    8 Who is that girl ( with )your father

    9 My father works( on )a farm not( in )a factory

    10 here is a postcard ( from )Kate ( to )her friend in Ehgland

    11 please do not look at me( like ) that

    12 there is an orange kite( in )the tree

    13 there is a boat ( in )the middle of the river

    14 Meimei is running ( with )a nice kite

    15 the bookshop is not far ( from )here.Let us walk there

    这里简单说明一下:there is an orange kite( in )the tree


    另外,就是farm 前要用on.
