根据首字母提示,完成句子.—You have s_____ pens.Could you lend me one?—Ce


  • —You have some pens. Could you lend me one?


    A:1.Where have you been,Tom?I haven't seen you for a lone time.

    B:Oh, I have been to Dalian. It has one of the best beaches in China.

    A:2.Did you have a good time ?

    B:Of course. The best thing there was swimming. It's really cool.

    A:3.What's it like ?

    B:What a fantatic city!I have never seen such a beautiful city in my life.

    A:4.How long have you been there?

    B:For only a week.

    A:5.It is dirty there?

    B:No .Nobody has littered things about.
