中学英语语法选择题It____quite a few years_____the accused was declare


  • 中学英语语法选择题 检举 | 13 分钟前 提问者: 奶咖中の兔兔酱 | 浏览次数:22次

    It____quite a few years_____the accused was declared innocent and set free.

    A.was,since B.is that C.will be,when D.was before



    析:本题考句型It was some time before sth. happened.过了多久才发生某事.

    这里的some time 为quite a few years, 增加了句子理解的难度.

    用since 的句型是:it is (=has been) some time since sth. happened. 自某事发生以来,已经多少时间了.

    用when的句型是:it was 时间点(如1997) when sth. happned. 某事发生时,时间是1997年.

    用that是强调句型:It was 时间状语(如in 1997) that sth. happened. 为sth. happned in 1997.之强调时间状语.


    it will be some time before sth. happens. 要过多久才会发生某事.