The importance of services as a share of overall production and employment increases with growth and development.This expansion in the services-intensity of economies is driven by a number of forces,including final demand factors and basic structural changes in production linked to development.
Accelerating this process,recent advances in information and communication technologies are increasingly permitting cross-border,“disembodied” trade in services.The competitiveness of manufacturing firms in open economies is determined in part by access to low-cost and high-quality producer services – telecommunications,transport and distribution services,financial intermediation,etc.
In particular,the feasibility of processes linked to outsourcing (also called fragmentation,production sharing and off-shoring) depends on access to and the cost of such services.Additionally,international exchange is increasingly taking the form of trade in tasks as opposed to trade in products,as the production process is sliced into different parts that are performed in different locations (Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg,2008).