Life of pi-Book review
I got to write something about Life of Pi after reading it for almost a whole semester.Words may seem to be silly,as it was my first English novel and this is my fist book review.
When I began to read this book,I thought I would be full of the sense of achievement when I finally finished it.However,I felt disappointed after I finished the WHOLE thing.It’s like losing a friend who accompanied me a long time!How could the author leave without explaining what have really happened on Tsimtsum?What about the selfish cook and the sailor with the broken leg?Do they really exist?I feel like reading the book again to find out the answers,but soon,I realized I was doing something unimportant.
I came back to the first sentence of the first chapter,which says:”my suffering left me sad and gloomy”.I misunderstood it at first.I thought the suffering was about his early life in Pondicherry with his family.That was nothing to feel sad and gloomy about,so I rushed on to the second part finding this suffering was when he was on the Pacific Ocean.I have almost none interest in the part which he talks about his religions and Indian gods.What impressed me the most in the first part,are the animals in the Pondicherry zoo.He said it was paradise on earth,and true it was:“What maharaja's son had such vast,luxuriant grounds to play about?What palace had such a menagerie?”