那位英语高手帮我3下,急.I.Complete the sentences with these words.用下列词组


  • I.Complete the sentences with these words.用下列词组完成句子.(每小题1分,共10分)

    Menus Data Expansion cards System software Hardware Linux HTML Device Drivers Memory Connectivity

    1._____html device____ command to display web pages.

    2._________expansion cards____it present commands listed on the menu bar.

    3.___data______ is the raw,unprocessed facts including text,numbers,images and sounds.

    4._______memory______ hold data,instructions and information; it plug into slots on the system board

    5._______hardware are includes keyboard,mouse,monitor,system unit and other devices.

    6.________linux_ is one popular,and free,version of the operating system.

    7._connectivity______ is the capability of your microcomputer to share information with

    other computers.

    8.____menus_____ is expansion cards plug into slots on the system board.

    9._____system software____ is “background” software that helps the computer manage it’s own internal resources

    10._____drivers____ are specialized programs to allow particular input and output devices to communicate with the rest of the system,for example,printer driver.

    II.Multiple choice.选择题.(每小题2分,共40分)

    ( b )1._________is the most popular Internet activity.

    a.cammunication b.searching c.shoping d.entertainment

    ( c )2.The ___________ consist(s) of the equipment:keyboard,mouse,monitor,system unit,and other devices.

    a.people b.procedures c.hardware d.information

    ( b )3.A(n) ________ program provides access to Web resource.

    a.web b.browser c.URL d.servers

    ( c )4.In ______ commerce,individuals typically sell to other individuals without ever meeting face-to-face.

    a.C2C b.B2C c.B2B d.C2D

    ( e )5.__________cash is the internet’s equivalent to traditional cash.

    a.universal b.premiun c.web e.digital

    ( d )6.________ is a set of hardware and software standards.

    a.CPU b.cache c.plug and play d.ALU

    ( a)7.A 32-bit word computer can access _________bytes at a time.

    a.4 b.16 c.8 d.32

    ( c )8.The smallest unit in a digital system is a ________.

    a.byte b.word c.bit d.character

    ( a )9._____________ allows you to reorganize,add effects,and more to your digital video footage.

    a.Video editing software b.Audio editing software c.Paint program d.Browsers

    (d )10._________ is the type of disk that uses laser technology.

    a.Concentric b.hard c.optical d.floppy