一. 填入下列单词所缺的字母.1.l__ft 2.sh lf 3.pa nt 4.co t 5.thou and 6.b


  • 一. 填入下列单词所缺的字母.1.l_i_ft 2.sh e lf 3.pa i nt 4.co s t 5.thou s and 6.bl a ck 7.fr e sh 8.a pple 9.or a nge 10.cre a m 11.p u re 12.j a m 13.cho i ce 14.husb a nd 15.tr u th 16.e i ther 17.ste a k 18.gr a pe 19.pe t ch 20.gard e n

    二.标出下列单词划线部分的音标.1.biscuit__ ['biskit]___2.like__[laik] ___3.want___ [wɔnt,wɔ:nt] __4.honey__['hʌni]__5.sweet [swi:t]6.wine__ [wain]___7.beer_ [biə]___8.pure__ [pjuə] __9.twelfth___ [twelfθ] __10.banana____[bə'nɑ:nə,-'næ-]___ 11.steak__[steik]__12.tell__[tel] ___13.either__ ['aiðə,'i:-]____14.chicken__ ['tʃikin] ___15.pea__ [pi:]_ 16.bean_ [bi:n] ___17.lettuce__ ['letis]__18.pear__ ['letis]___19.jump__[dʒʌmp]___20.wall _ [wɔ:l]_____

    三.根据句子含义及首字母提示填入正确的单词.1.I can put my hat o_n__ 2.I can n_ot_____ read that magazine.3.—Do you like coffee?–Yes,I d_o__ 4.The plane is flying o_ver___ the village.5.The ship is going u__nder____the bridge.6.I like running a __long______ the river bank every moring.7.To tell you the t_ruth____ ,Jim,I don’t like mince ,either .8.Do you like beef or l_amb___ 9.He is eating b_eef_____ ,but she isn’t.10.He is t__aking_____a letter.四.填入句中所缺的词.1.I like bananas,but I__don't___ want one .2.He likes bananas,but he__doesn't___ want one.3.She likes bananas,but she___doesn't___ want one 4.they like bananas,but they ___don't____want one.5.I like oranges,and she likes oranges,___too____ .6.I don’t like oranges,and she doesn’t like oranges,___either___ .7.—What __about__ some steak?--No,thanks.I am full.8.The wall is too high ___不会___ so I can’t jump __over__.9.The sweater(毛衣)is too small,I can’t put it ___on__.10.They can’t find any boats,so they swim ___across___the river.五.选择.(10 分) ( C )1.that hat looks nice.___ .A.Put on it B.Put it on C.put it on D.put on it ( C )2.They are ______ in the lake(湖).A.swim B.swiming C.swimming D.swims ( A )3.Do you want ______ milk in your coffee?A.any B.a C.an D./ ( A )4.The blackboard is ______ the teacher .A.behind B.on C.in D.over ( A )5.The boy is sitting between his mother______father.A.and B.or C.in D.of ( D )6.I am going to buy some meat at___ .A.butcher B.the butcher C.butcher’s D.the butcher’s ( D 7.My wife ______ chicken,but she_____ like beef .A.likes,don’t B.like,doesn’t C.like,don’t D.likes,doesn’t ( A )8.He likes apples,but I ______ .A.don’t B.am C.do D.am not ( D )9.He is running,but I ______ .A.am B.do C.don’t D.am not ( C )10.They can type well,but she______.A.can B.do C.cannot D.do not