-daddy,i've passed the computer test.


  • what really count 意思是“真正重要的(是……)”

    据此,本题答案为 A




    主语为 what really counts

    谓语为 is

    宾语为 whether you have a good skills at computers 这是一个由whether引导的宾语从句.


    附 count的解释

    (a) [I,Ipr] (for sth) be of value or importance 有价值; 有重要性:

    Her opinion counts because of her experience.因为她有经验,所以她的意见很重要.

    * Knowledge without common sense counts for little.光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值.

    * We've only a few bullets left,so make each one count,ie use it effectively.我们只剩几颗子弹了,因此要弹不虚发.

    (b) [I,Ipr] (as sth) be accepted or valid 认可; 有效:You didn't shut your eyes before you made the wish,so it doesn't count!你祈求实现愿望时没闭上眼睛,所以不算数!

    * A few lines of rhyming doggerel don't count as poetry.几行押韵的蹩脚诗算不上是诗.