look 怎样用?_例如look for ,look out of


  • A:




    I looked but saw nothing.我看了,但什么也没看见.

    Look!Here comes the bus.瞧!汽车来了.

    Look before you leap.三思而后行.


    The teacher is looking seriously at us.老师正严肃地看着我们.

    Look at these pictures.How beautiful they are!看这些画,它们是多么漂亮啊!


    (1) look after 照看,照料.如:He is old enough to look after himself.他年龄足够大,能照看自己.

    (2) look for 寻找.如:I looked for you just now,but I didn’t find you.刚才我到处找你,但没有找到.

    (3) look around 四下环顾;到处寻找.如:He looked around but he saw nobody.他四下环顾,但什么人也没看到.

    (4) look back on回想,回顾.如:They often look back on the days they spent together.他们常回顾他们在一起度过的日子.

    (5) look down on看不起.如:Don’t look down on others.不要看不起别人.

    (6) look forward to 盼望.如:We are looking forward to seeing you again.我们盼望再见到你.

    (7) look into朝……里面看.如:He looked into the box,but he saw nothing.他朝箱子里面看了看,但没看到什么.

    (8) look on...as把某人看作.如:We look on him as our friends.我们把他看作我们的朋友.

    (9) look out当心.如:Look out!Don’t hit the tree.当心!不要撞了树.

    (10) look over仔细检查;翻阅.如:The doctor is looking him over.医生正在给他做仔细检查.

    (11) look through浏览;仔细检查;看穿.如:I have looked it through.我已把它仔细地看了一遍.

    (12) look up抬头看;查;找出.如:He looked up and smiled at me.他抬起头,对我笑了笑.If there are words you don’t understand,look them up in the dictionary.如果你有不认识的单词可以查词典.


    1)后跟形容词.如:You look well/fine/healthy.你看起来很健康.The teacher looks happy.老师看上去很高兴.She looks pale.她面色苍白.

    2)后跟过去分词.如:You look tired; you’d better have a rest.你看上去很累,你最好休息一下.

    3)后跟名词.如:He looks a nice,honest man.他看上去是个诚实的好人.

    4) 后跟介词短语等.如:He looks in good health.他看来十分健康.

    3.用作及物动词,意为“看,瞧,打量”等.如:He is looking me up and down.他上下打量着我.