急求一篇英语作文 以建议信的形式“劝你的朋友戒烟” 要求:1.吸烟有害健康,会导致癌症;2.吸烟浪费钱...


  • Dear friend,

    How are you?

    Are you still

    smoking? If so, I would like to suggest you to quit smoking. Here are some

    reasons supporting my suggestion.

    1. For your health! According to the Surgeon General,

    quitting smoking is the single most important step a smoker can take to improve

    the length and quality of her or her life. As soon as you quit, your body

    begins to repair the damage caused by smoking. Of course it's best to quit

    early in life but even someone who quits later in life will improve their health.

    2. To save money! It's getting more expensive to smoke

    cigarettes. A pack of cigarettes can averagely cost ¥10.00 to ¥20. Even if

    a pack costs "only" ¥5.00 where you live, smoking one pack per day adds up to $1,825.00

    each year.

    3. To save the aggravation! It's getting less convenient to

    smoke. More and more states and cities are passing clean indoor air laws

    that make it illegal to smoke in bars, restaurants, and other public places.

    Are you tired of having to go outside many times a day to have a cigarette? Is

    standing in the cold and the rain really worth having that cigarette? Wouldn't

    it be easier if you had the choice to go outside only when you want to and not

    when you need to?

    4. It's good for the people around you! Cigarette smoke is

    harmful to everyone who inhales it, not just the smoker. Whether you're young

    or old and in good health or bad, secondhand smoke is dangerous and

    can make you sick. Children who live with smokers get more chest colds and ear

    infections while babies born to mothers who smoke have an increased risk of

    premature delivery, low birth weight and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

    Hope you quit smoke as soon as possible.

    Best wishes

    Sincerely yours,

