As national economy develops for the better,fake commodities prevail in many places of our country.Some profiteers,regardless of people’s interests,can’t wait to make a fortune,so that they just take risks making and selling fake goods.On the other hand,the punishment is not severe enough to stop the violators.Today’s market,therefore,is swarming with fake commodities such as food-stuff,clothing and medicine.
Fake commodities are extremely harmful to consumers as well as to the whole society.Take,for example,the 1998 fatal alcohol poisoning case in Shanxi Province of Northern China.By adding methanol to water,a peasant produced “alcohol”,dreaming of becoming rich overnight.The incident,with 27 people killed and around 700 poisoned,caused great sufferings to the victims and shocked the whole country as well.A carry-over of fear left thousands of others in confusion and panic:they no longer had a sense of safety.How terrible a case it was!It’s really high time we took measures to crack down on the production and sale of fake commodities.