one of them was carrying a bag full of money .


  • 形容词作定语有两种情况:


    a (naughty) boy, 一个淘气的男孩儿 (单一形容词作定语)  a (tall and large) house 一座又高又宽大的房子(并列形容词作定语)  a (poor and pedantic) intellectual 一个穷酸的书生(并列形容词作定语)  a large red plastic barrel 一只红色的大塑料桶(逐层描绘的形容词作定语)


    a bag full of money 一个装满钱的袋子(= a bag which is full of money)  a girl older than me 一个比我年龄大的女孩 (=a girl who is older than me)  words kind of laudatory 略带赞美的言辞 (words that are kind of laudatory)  anitem marked in red ink 一笔标有赤字的账目(=an item which is marked in red ink)