按中文提示完成句子He has to do some washing on Sunday(就do some washin


  • He has to do some washing on Sunday(就do some washing提问)

    ——What—— ——does—— he have to ——do—— on Sunday?


    I have to help my mom make dinner.

    You can’t listen to music in class.(改为同义句)

    ——Don't—— ——listen—— to music in classs.

    I have to go tobed at 9:30 .(就at 9:30提问)

    ——What—— ——time—— do you have to go to bed?

    No photos in the zoo.(改为同义句)

    ——Don't—— ——take—— ——photos—— in the zoo.

    I can watch TV on Saturday evening.(就on Saturday evening提问)

    ——When—— ——can—— you watch TV?

    You needn’t wear uniforms to the game show.(改为同义句)

    You __don't___ ___have___ __to___ wear uniforms to the game show.

    We can get tothe park at 8:00 a.m.(改为否定句)

    We __can't___ ___go___to the park at 8:00 a.m.

    We can listen to music outside the hallways.(就outside the hallways提问)

    —Where— —can— you listen to music?


    Do you often__help__ Mom __wash__ the dishes after supper?


    I __have__ __to__ __pratise__the piano after class.


    Our English teacher —is— very —strict— —with— —us—.


    I know —how— you __feel__.


    I have to __be__in bed __before___ ten o’clock in the evening.