麻烦老师解答:短文改错 短文改错 Nowadays women are


  • Nowadays women are playing a much more important part in society. More and more women are

    working like teachers, scientists and even leader . Almost all jobs that were used to be done by men are

    1.as 2.leaders 3.去掉

    done perfectly well by women. Women are no longer looking down upon in society. With the changes in


    their social role, women's position in the family have been improved as well. It's hard to see the


    phenomenon which the wife is busy while the husband is sitting in an armchair, watching TV. In spite of all


    these changes, the great number of men still guard his rights. They thought of women as incapable

    7.a 8.their 9.think

    creatures. Sometimes few women are allowed ∧attend important meetings. This is the problem we should


    try to solve now.