Are they potatoes?
they are potatoes
They are big shots和we are small potatoes求翻译
French A hot They are big we are small potatoes是什么意思
Look!Are they potatoey potatoes?怎么翻译四年级下册
British people eat potatoes a lot ,and they are cooked in di
they are“ turkey and potatoes ”on thanksgiving day(对画线部分提问)
potatoes are a vegetable.the potatoes are a vegetable .a pot
no,they didn't have any rice,so here are some potatoes的问句
英语翻译How much are the potatoes?these potatoes are three yuan
Are you a couch potato or a mouse potato?
一、翻译下列短语和句子1 a hot potato2 They are big shots.3 We are small