一个完形填空 Do you have a very good memory?Is it easy for you to


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    Do you have a very good memory?Is it easy for you to read articles or questions and (41B.remember记忆所有的要点) all the points? If your brain works well in this field, then it is a gift you have.(42D.Memory本文讲的都是记忆) is also a skill that can improve with practice.

    On the other hand, there are much better (43B.ways方法) to learn and remember information. A (44C.clever一个聪明的人) person needs to be able to find information quickly,and he does not just depend on his memory. One of the things that make us different from (45A.other与其他生物不同) living things is that we can use tools.

    Most of us would choose a special tool to (46D.cut切一块木头) a piece of wood or dig a large hole. It is the same with learning information.

    What tools do you use to (47C.help with帮助你记忆,pick up捡起,hold on打电话去叫人时让对方等一下,give up放弃) your memory? Do you (48B.write把东西写下来) things down in a notebook? Do you make up songs or numbers that are (49A.easy容易,interesting和funny相进,可排除) to help you remember important things?

    Use your good memory (50A.when当你能够的时候) you can. But remember you should take advantage of all useful ways.

    A short pencil is better than a long memory.