有人看过这个电影吗? 请用英语写下对它的评伦


  • 我想人的成长究其实是情感的成长.影片中最撼人心魄的段落当属齐忆苦把三个弟妹挨家送给别人,而后如无助的幼狼一样悲嚎的一幕.但是我更无法释怀的是影片中那些表现兄弟姐妹争吵打闹却又相亲相爱,以及那些表现时代悲剧是如何逼迫挤压个人生存空间的平凡段落.它使如我这个年龄的人很容易想起曾经的艰难时世对人的尊严的挑战以及那些日子中贫乏的物质生活对人的耐受力的磨练.在那样的一种成长中,亲情就成了最后的也是最可靠的支撑着人活下去的理由和力量.在那些鲜活丰沛的亲子之情和手足之情中,兄弟姐妹之间的相互依偎呵护,使每个置身其中的人得以学习和实践着人与人之间的相互关爱、体谅、忍耐、谦让……于是,我们得以实现“人之成长”而非“兽之成长”,我们得以人格完备情感饱满富有真实的同情心拥有坚定的责任感.


    I would like to study the growth is actually emotional growth.The film most thrilling paragraphs Yi Qi was the plight of the three sisters being given to others from one house to another ,and then David Wolf as helpless as Beihao scene.But I also could not dispel his suspicion is that performance in the film,those who make boisterous noise brothers and sisters quarrel but to love each other,and the tragedy of the times is reflected in how individuals living space squeeze forced the ordinary paragraphs.It makes this age if I can easily think of those who had the difficult world when human dignity and the challenges of those days in the poor people's material life of tolerance temper.As in a growing,the family will become the final and most reliable supporting the people live on the grounds and strength.Those who live in rich feelings and takes the children,between brothers and sisters leaned love each other,so that each person can be the midst of learning and practice the mutual love between people,understanding,patience,retain ...Thus,we have been able to achieve "person of growth" rather than "beast of growth",we are able to complete personality full of real emotion full sympathy with a firm sense of responsibility.

    When "My brothers and sisters," produced by the human relations forces resisted doggedly Ling times are suffering in the invasion,when a love of flying into tears education in the completion of the rain speechless,we have to give forgive Yuzhong the story of that vulgar outcome.It is because we understand the story should not be a tragedy,it is the true aspirations of happiness on the completion of another kind - it is we may have the unfortunate fight with all forces - in the course of this protest most reliable the chain is the one who enabled us to "become" the emotion,so that the process of this struggle the most humble life because of the emotional and show people filling the beautiful and solemn.As long as we gentle and courageous enough,then the resistance would subsequently discovered in the process of suffering,and ultimately growth in the value of our part so that we can not have a copy of happiness - and forever.