这个完形填空谁能帮我解答一下,这是开头:On my way out of town and in a hurry,i t


  • 这位为朋友,这是你要的完形填空的原文即答案和解析:


    On my way out of town and in a hurry,I took a(n) __1__in front of my apartment.When I was __2__comfortably,an unusually friendly driver started a(n)__3__ with me.

    “Nice apartment building you live in.” he said.

    “Yes” I __4__.

    “Live there very long?” “No.”

    “I bet you must have a really __5__ closet there,” he said.

    Now he __6__ my attention.“Yes,” I said,“quite small.”

    “Have you __7__heard of closet organizers?” he asked.

    “Yes,I guess I’ve seen an ad or something in the newspaper.”

    “I __8__ drive a taxi part-time,” he said.”My full-time job is organizing people’s __9__.I come in and put shelves and drawers and this and that in closets.”

    Then he asked me __10__ I had ever considered having my closet organized.

    “Well,I don’t know.I do need some extra closet space.Isn’t there another closet company out there,California something?” I said.“You __11__ California Closet Company?They’re really a big company in the business.I can do exactly __12__ they can do but for less money.”

    “That sounds very __13__,” I said.“Here,let me give you my business __14__,and if you call me at my office,we’ll set up a meeting.”

    “Oh,my God,” he __15__.“You’re Neil Balter!You’re the founder of California Closet.”

    He looked in the rear-view mirror and studied me.“I __16__have recognized you.Mr.Balter,I __17__.I didn’t mean your company is an expensive one.I didn’t mean...”

    “__18__ down,” I said.“I like your style.You’re a pretty __19__ fellow.I admire you.“Why don’t you call me,and we’ll see what we can do about having you become one of our __20__?”

    Needless to say,he came to work for us and became one of top salespeople!



    C.train D.underground

    解析:选B.take a taxi是“打的;坐出租”之意,符合下文语境.

    2.A.dressed B.served




    C.business D.conversation


    4.A.replied B.asked

    C.continued D.argued


    5.A.large B.small

    C.expensive D.attractive

    解析:选B.与下文的“Yes,” I said,“quite small.”相呼应,故此处是“你一定是有一个很小的壁橱”,故选择B项.

    6.A.demanded B.paid


    解析:选C.draw one’s attention“吸引某人的注意力”;即我的注意力被他吸引住了.


    C.even D.ever



    C.rarely D.seldom

    解析:选A.由后文的My full-time job可知,此处是指“开车仅仅是我的业余工作”;故用only表示“仅仅”.

    9.A.parties B.closets


    解析:选B.与上文的“Have you __7__ heard of closet organizers相呼应,由此可知,此处是指closets即“壁橱”.

    10.A.when B.how

    C.if D.why

    解析:选C.if 引导宾语从句,作ask的宾语,表示“是否”.他问我是否需要整理我的壁橱.