改错:帮忙下面这个英文阅读片段的改错 下文中每一行都有一个错误(我也不敢肯定)高手帮忙做一下,


  • My aunt Aggie was used to think that she was able to 1.去掉 was

    sing ; I'm sorry to say her singing was horrible.Well,one 2.I'm 改为I was________

    day she asked for a piano-tuner to come and tune 3._去掉FOR_______

    her piano.As he tried to tune the piano,it seemed to 4.___as 改为 When_____

    be right.Aggie said."Let me play it.",so he heard her 5.____be all right____

    playing it.It was prefectly in tune but she had him tuned it 6.____tuned 改为tune____

    again.The man did the job again.The next day she rang 7._____rang 改为sang?___
