高二英语填空.I just wonder___ that makes him so excited. A.why it


  • 第一题从题意看出,肯定是something或者somebody才能makes him so excited,所以关系代词只能选what

    如果把第二个答案带入宾语从句,就变成了what he does that makes him so excited,明显句中多出了一个that.所以只能选D

    实际上这个句子的宾语从句是一个强调句型----what it is that makes him so excited.是What makes him so excited的强调主语的形式

    第二题.rather than 后面所接的动词用什么形式,取决于和它并列的动词的形式.

    而devote .to...这个短语中,to是介词而不是不定式符号,后面必须跟名词,如果是动词,则要加ing变更为动名词.所以第二个空要填making,由此推断出第一个空的动词形式也必须是v+ing,因此这个题选A.第二句话可以看成是:

    I devoted every effort to making an advertisement rather than wasting time playing cards.
