你是一位漂亮的女孩,我最后一次真诚的希望我能成双成对.~ 真可惜!
you are a nice gril,the last time i realliy hope we will be
I hope that you will a nice
I hope you will be better soon 和 I hope you are better soon
We are friend,we will be close friends!I believe and I hope
英语翻译I hope I will be the last one of you,don't worry about i
I hope you have a great time 与 I hope you will have a great
I hope you will have a good time
I hope you will be konw that you are my only love.
I hope that you will be on holiday yourself that time 纠错
There will be a meeting in the afternoon.We hope you’ll come
So do i ,i hope you are the last boy i love