
  • Mother’s Day is coming.It is a time to let Mom know she’s内文配图-mom balloon.jpg special to you.Make her a card,do your chores(家务活),or share a fun book.People celebrate(庆祝)Mother’s Day in the US and many other countries on the second Sunday in May.

    Where did Mother’s Day begin?

    Long,long,ago,in ancient(古老的)Greece,the people celebrated a mid-March day.In that day they showed respect(尊重)to Rhea(瑞亚).Rhea was the Mother of the Gods.

    Later,English people had their own “Mothering Sunday”.It was the 4th Sunday of Lent(四月斋)(40 weekdays [除周末外的日子] before the Easter Eve [复活节前夕]).On that day,if a young person worked away from home as a servant(仆人),he or she could go home and visit his or her mother.People usually brought a little fruit cake as gift.Today,English people still celebrate the holiday on the 4th Sunday of Lent.

    In America,Mother’s Day is a national holiday(公众假期) today.It was first celebrated in 1908 in just one state(州)in the country.It was all because of Anna M.Jarvis’s hard work.She wrote so many letters to important people of that time.She wanted to have a day for everyone to show their love and respect to mothers.In 1914,the American President Woodrow Wilson made the second Sunday in May as Mother’s day.

    Any special flower on the Day?

    Miss Anna M.Jarvis’s mother loved the white carnation(康乃馨)the most.So,people chose the carnation as the symbol(标志)of Mother’s Day.The flower means sweetness,purity(纯洁)and endurance(持久)of mother love.

    Note(注意)one thing.Send red carnations if the mother is still alive.Send white ones if she has died.

    Who celebrates Mother’s Day?

    Denmark,Finland,Italy,Turkey,Australia and Belgium(比利时)celebrate Mother’s Day on the same day as the US.Many other countries also celebrate Mother’s Day,but they do it on another day.

    How do people celebrate?

    In western countries,Mother’s Day is very important.Kids do so many things to make the day special for their moms.

    A typical(典型的)way is making mom breakfast in bed.That means,on Mother’s Day,a mother can stay longer in bed and doesn’t need to wake up early to make breakfast for her kids and husband.Instead(相反的是),the rest of the family make breakfast for her.

    Kids will let their moms take it easy(放松)and relax.They do secret things to surprise(使惊奇)their moms.They write love letters or make gifts themselves.