

  • 3.Hobbies that you feel are a waste of time.

    Hi,everyone!I think all of you have your own hobbies,such as playing football,dancing,reading novels or watching TV.But do you know there are some hobbies are just a waste of time?Yes,there are quite a few.What I want to talk about today is playing computer games.

    As we all know,computer games are intended to entertain or relax us after a day's work or study.But there are so many people addicted to them.Even worse,some think them as their only hobby.They spent all day and all night playing it.They begin to forget their real life,work or study,sometimes even their family and friends.That's terrible.We shouldn't devote all our time and energy to such virtual activities.It has cause great damage to our work,social relationship and our life.

    So,friends,please get out of them and pay your attention back to our beautiful world.It's up to us to choose our own living style to fulfill our life value.