

  • Culture shock

    It may sounds exciting to study aboard.However,when moving to a new location,especially a new country,you will find everything has changed which including foods,customs,socializing or even body language.All parts of the culture are not familiar to you and you will experience the culture shock.

    Usually,there are four stage of adjustment occur during culture shock.The first stage when people find everything marvelous is called “the honeymoon”.You feel the amusement of life all the time.

    After that,however,you will suffer the second stage,the hostility stage.At this time,you begin to notice that not everything is as good as you imagined before and people no longer treat you as a guest.

    As a result,both physical and mental problem appears.You feel tired and depressed; want to sleep all the day; not interested in studying and being with people.You find it really hard to subject yourself to the new environment.

    At this point,you begin to devise some defense mechanisms to get over the difficulties.You try to spend more time with people from your own culture,do some sports to relax yourself,read some books on psychologies to adjust yourself.

    Then comes the third stage,the recovery stage.At this stage,you become more positive and learn to appreciate the elements between different cultures.

    The last stage is called “adjustment”.In this stage you obtain a understanding between different culture and all the things that disturb you at first are disappeared .At this time,nothing can prevent you from living a enjoyable life.

    It is obvious that culture shock can’t be avoided.However,it is also a helpful experience that you will value a lot.Not only can we learn various cultures from it,but we can learn more about ourselves as well.