

  • There is a legendary bird,called Han Haoniao.The bird with the birds is different from its long with four legs,two wings of bare flesh,not as common as flying birds.

    Summer,when Han Haoniao body covered with a bright feathers look very beautiful.Han Haoniao incredibly proud to feel that they are the most beautiful bird under the sun,and even Phoenix can not be compared with itself.And so it all day shaking the feathers,everywhere,walked up and down,but also triumphantly sing:"Phoenix better than I!Phoenix better than me!"

    Summer passed,and autumn arrives,the birds have all opened their busy,they flew to the south and some began to go hand in hand,ready to spend a warm winter there; some to stay on the hard busy day,accumulation of food,repair Wo nest,make winter preparations.Only Han Haoniao neither the ability to fly to the South but also unwilling to hard work,is still day East loitering,and also features a move to show off their bodies everywhere,beautiful feathers.

    Winter finally came,the weather was extremely cold,the birds are the property of their warm nest to nest.At this time of the Han Haoniao,who have beautiful feathers off bare.Night,it is hiding in a crevice,frozen whole body shivering,and it kept crying:"cold,ah,ah cold until morning has to build a nest ah!" When it gets,the sun came out,warm the sun a photo of Han Haoniao again forgotten that cold night,so it kept singing:"muddling along!muddle along!sun warm below!sun warm below!"

    Han Haoniao so day by day Hunzhao,a day is a day,has not been able build a nest themselves.Finally,it could not Hunguo cold winter,and finally froze in the crevices of the rocks.山脚下有一堵石崖,崖上有一道缝,寒号鸟就把这道缝当做自己的窝.石崖前面有一条河,河边有一棵大杨树,杨树上住着喜鹊.寒号鸟和喜鹊面对面住着,成了邻居.


     几阵秋风,树叶落尽,冬天快要到了.


     有一天,天气晴朗.喜鹊一早飞出去,东寻西找,衔回来一些枯枝,就忙着垒巢,准备过冬.寒号鸟却整天飞出去玩,累了回来睡觉.喜鹊说:“寒号鸟,别睡觉了,天气这么好,赶快垒窝吧.”寒号鸟不听劝告,躺在崖缝里对喜鹊说:“你不要吵,太阳这么好,正好睡觉.”


     冬天说到就到了,寒风呼呼地刮着.喜鹊住在温暖的窝里.寒号鸟在崖缝里冻得直打哆嗦,悲哀地叫着:“哆罗罗,哆罗罗,寒风冻死我,明天就垒窝.”


     第二天清早,风停了,太阳暖烘烘的.喜鹊又对寒号鸟说:“趁着天气好.赶快垒窝吧.”寒号鸟不听劝告,伸伸懒腰,又睡觉了.


     寒冬腊月,大雪纷飞,漫山遍野一片白色.北风像狮子一样狂吼,河里的水结了冰,崖缝里冷得像冰窖.就在这严寒的夜里,喜鹊在温暖的窝里熟睡,寒号鸟却发出最后的哀号:“哆罗罗,哆罗罗,寒风冻死我,明天就垒窝.”


     天亮了,阳光普照大地.喜鹊在枝头呼唤邻居寒号鸟.可怜的寒号鸟在半夜里冻死了.