hold one's noses 在这句话中应该是厌恶的意思,就像闻到了什么难闻的味道屏住呼吸一样,政客们对达成的提高债务上限协议并不满意,但是依然不得不去推销它
hold one's noses
hold one's nose in the air
hit sb on the nose和on sb's nose 的区别?
hold one's
Tom's brother hit BOb on ( )nose.
lose one's hold translate:he lost his hold on the slippery b
to keep one's nose to the grindstone
Hurry up,It's 7pm on the nose
有hold on to one‘s dream的用法吗?
hold on= hold____ _____
hold sth in one's hond的造句