英语题目答案速度的加高分! 速度的加高分!


  • 5.13 Homework(要翻译)


    1. “Am” is a form of the verb “be”. _形式____

    2. I am in Form One at Sunny School. __年级__

    3. Ice,snow and steam are different forms of water. __形态___


    4. 我们忘了把电脑连上电话线了.

    We forgot to __connect___ the computer ___with__ the phone line.

    5. 请给我接通洛杉矶的电话,好吗?

    Can you me _____ Los Angeles,please?

    6. 这些电线是和地下电缆相连的.

    These wires are __connected___ ___with__ the underground cables.

    用in a way或in the way填空.

    7. __In a way___ I like the new styles,but I have to consider the price.

    8. I couldn't get through the gate because your car was _in the way____


    1. at last终于;最终

    2. look foolish看起来愚蠢

    3. flow through流过

    4. all kinds of各种各样的

    5. look like看起来像……

    6. light bulb电灯泡

    7. power station发电站

    8. make electricity发电

    9. be able to能够

    10.a packet of一包…

    11. in packets一包包地

    12. scratch one's head抓头;挠头

    13.change… into..把……变成……

    14.for example例如

    15.with good manners有礼貌地

    16.with a grin on one's face面带微笑

    17.movement / sound / light / heat energy 动/声/光/热能


    9. We do __all kinds of___ activities after class.

    10. He smoked at least half ___a package of__ cigarettes a day.

    11. The __light___ comes from the sun.

    12. The _power station____ offers light and power to the whole city.

    13. A person _with good manners____is always kind and polite.

    14. Gilbert discovered electricity, and Edison invented the _light bulb____

    15. Maybe by spending more time together I’ll __at last___understand you more.