英语作文 News media should give equal attention


  • I think news media should give equal attention to all people.News media's accepted meaning have changed in the past few decades,it changed from 'bringing in news to people' to 'bringing entertainment and whatever the people want to know'.Such change was subtle at first,but if you take a newspaper and look at it carefully,you will find that it is either about celebrities or world news or a murder.The newspaper on average,is depressing.This also occurs in UK,which there are hundreds of newspaper doing articles on Libya and such.There were hardly any news about the area around where you live.People may argue that those articles are not interesting.But people's opinions differ.

    People should be treated as equal.How come if an important person dies,there is such a big article about the people mourning and pitying him,and when our neighbour dies,God forbid,there is nothing of the sort on the news?Does fame make a person's life more important than others?I do not think so.Everyone is important and have their own good and bad sides.

    In conclusion,the news media should give equal attention to people for variety of reasons,but I think the most important reason is that should be what news is all about - not giving entertainment and twist the articles,but to report truthfully.
