

  • Hello everyone.I am excited to show you my work.I named it "Maze in mind".I used Photoshop to create it.Looking at it,you can see the head with a maze resembling human thoughts.I thought it was a pretty clever idea!It was quite difficult to create this image,and I had to be very patient with the details during the creative process.I found that patience and perseverance were more important than technique.The materials selected can greatly influence the resulting work.That is why I spent a lot of preparation time to select the materials.It is a well known method of image synthesis used to merge the materials.I used the hue and saturation tool to adjust the picture's color so it is full of color change (这color change不知道是什么意思.).This was easier said than done,and I faced many challenges along the way.I felt great sense of accomplishment whenever I resolved a problem.In my opinion,the process of creation was both difficult but also gave me the greatest joy.By applying myself fully to the task,I got a lot of satisfaction in return.As far as I am concerned,the journey of creation was more important than the end result.