实验目标和原理是什么?Atwood’s MachineA classic experiment in physics i


  • Procedure

    Part I Keeping Total Mass Constant

    For this part of the experiment you will keep the total mass used constant,but move weights from one side to the other.The difference in masses changes.

    1.Set up the Atwood’s machine apparatus as shown in Figure 1.Be sure the heavier mass can move at least 40 cm before striking the floor.

    2.Connect the Photogate with Super Pulley to DIG/SONIC 1 of the LabPro or DG 1 of the Universal Lab Interface.

    3.Open the Experiment 10 file in Physics with Vernier.A graph of velocity vs.time will be displayed.

    4.Arrange a collection of masses totaling 200 g on m2 and a 200-g mass on m1.What is the acceleration of this combination?Record your values for mass and acceleration in the data table.

    5.Move 10 g from m2 to m1.Record the new masses in the data table.

    6.Position m1 as high up as it can go.Click to begin data collection.Steady the masses so they are not swinging.Wait one second and release the masses.Catch the falling mass before it strikes the floor or the other mass strikes the pulley.

    7.Click the Examine button and select the region of the graph where the velocity was increasing at a steady rate.Click the Linear Regression button to fit the line y = mx + b to the data.Record the slope,which is the acceleration,in the data table.

    8.Continue to move masses from m2 to m1 in 10-g increments,changing the difference between the masses,but keeping the total constant.Repeat Steps 6 - 7 for each mass combination.Repeat this step until you get at least five different combinations.

    Part II Keeping The Mass Difference Constant

    For this part of the experiment you will keep the difference in mass between the two sides of the Atwood’s machine constant and increase the total mass.

    9.Put 120 g on m1 and 100 g on m2.

    10.Repeat Steps 6 – 7 to collect data and determine the acceleration.

    11.Add mass in 20-g increments to both sides,keeping a constant difference of 20 grams.Record the resulting mass for each combination in the data table.Repeat Steps 6 - 7 for each combination.Repeat the procedure until you get at least five different combinations.
