when,while, in the meantime, at the same time 以及 meanwhile的差


  • 在某些的情况下 when 和 while 可以互换 .比如:

    ____ I was doing my homework, Peter called me to go play soccer with him.

    但是when 更趋向于某一时间点, 而while则表示某一时间段.

    in the meantime, at the same time, meawhile三者在大多数的情况下也可以互换.注意 是大多是情况下都可以互换! 都表示同时的意思. 比如:

    I am the best student in my school; ____ , I am also the president of the student union.

    in the meantime 和 at the same time两者意思完全相同 没有明显的用法区别

    而meanwhile更趋向于 在.期间的意思

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