当我们想挽回的时候,时光就再也不会回转.生命是如此美妙,我们能做的只有珍惜现在拥有的一切!None of us know that human life does not go on forever delayed, then when we left the last day of life, we have to go then how to face it? The answer is - with a fun attitude to face. If I have one more day of life, I most want to do is to spend with my family with this short day. I want to go full advantage of this split between the second, so that this day will always remain in my heart of hearts. It is always full of laughter. If I have a day life, I have to with my family to save money to donate all of my charitable foundation, because I know that those who are being tortured by poor children,
Their way of life, or how long, I'll let them know that the world must use their hands to create a better life, the duration will change the future of creation. Good work! Children, time flies, cherish and now has every day. If I have one more day of life, I would like for my mom and dad to do whatever I have one thing that I want a grateful heart to return them to the upbringing of the TU. When we want to save time, time will never turn. Life is so wonderful that we can do is cherish everything we have! 回答完毕觉得满意请微笑、