

  • 5 CACBB

    10 BCBAC

    11~15 BACCA

    16~20 CACBC

    21~25 BADCB

    26~30 CADBC

    31~35 CDCDD

    36~40 BBCDA

    41~45 DDBCB

    46~50 CBACB

    51~55 BCABA

    56~60 ADCAD

    61~65 CCACD

    66~70 BBCAD

    71 not to drive

    72 where l am beginning to

    73 of which l feel

    74 where/in which they can communicate with

    75 (who/whom)you just talked to/to whom you just talked

    76 getting up / he gets up

    77 when the hill was covered with

    78 did l realize(that)

    79 several of whom came from

    80 why he was so upset