

  • 汉译英:⒈一张我的照片 a photo of mine 或:a photo of me

    ⒉双胞胎姐妹 twin sisters

    ⒊在某些方面 in some ways

    ⒋看上去一样 look the same

    ⒌喜欢体育运动 like sports


    ⒈Read the Page Two of your textbook.(改为同义句)

    Read the second page of your textbook.

    ⒉Mr Smith is the oldest teacher in our school.(改为同义句)

    Mr Smith is older than any other teacher in our school.

    ⒊Yesterday it was very cold,but today it is colder.(改为同义句)

    It is colder today than it was yesterday.