英语翻译(猫先生正在河边捉鱼.但是他总是抓不到.) (小鸭子跳入河里,帮猫先生捉到了鱼.)(抬头看看天色)(小鸭子和猫先


  • Mr.Cat is a river fish.But he always grasp.)

    (Small duck jumped into the river,to help Mr.cat caught the fish.)

    (Take a look at the rise of the weather)

    (Small ducks and a cat looking for the President together.)

    (They carried to the hospital,Mr.goats,and goats to help Mr.distribution of the drug after,back home together.)

    You have to be careful next time,Mr.Goat.

    Must certainly,I would like to thank you!(Ah -)

    What voice?

    Seems to be coming from the front,go,go and see!

    Ah,grandma,how do you,and you wake up you!

    (Little Duck faint.)


    (No moment,Duck wake up.)


    Hey,what do I do?

    In the hospital you!

    Oh,you take me to the hospital now!Thank you!

    You're welcome,and you helped us ah,a good friend to Languages ah!

    Right ah!

    Well,we are good friends,good friends!

    Good friends,good friends,we are good friends ......