Part time jobs have been taking a majority part of international students' life during the academic studying in overseas.However,it does not mean that everybody spends most of time on the part time work.
The first reason is obviously that working in spare time would affect the academic achivement,in other words,you may get fail in the final exams so that cost much more money to learn it again.
The second reason,well it might not be a reason,would be the safety.Some jobs,which most of international students working on,are all in nights such as kitchen hand.The work off time normally at 1 am next day,and they are not the ideal for students.
But,part time jobs provide more opportunities of earnnings for locals and learning practical speaking for international students.In particular,if you can find a job in domestic company,you will definitely improve yourself as fast as you can image.
In conclusion,part time jobs are pretty good for us,but still depends on how we utlise them for.