may - 辅助动词,可以.He may come in.
maybe - 副词,可能.Maybe we will win
Probably - 副词,可能,大概.We will probably win.
Possible - 副词,有可能的.It is a possible cause.
can - 使能动词,可以,能够.He can swim.
类似的还有,be able to,能,办到了,I am able to finish the work by end of the day.
may - 辅助动词,可以.He may come in.
maybe - 副词,可能.Maybe we will win
Probably - 副词,可能,大概.We will probably win.
Possible - 副词,有可能的.It is a possible cause.
can - 使能动词,可以,能够.He can swim.
类似的还有,be able to,能,办到了,I am able to finish the work by end of the day.