

  • A和B分别代表销售员和买书包的人.

    A:Welcome to "I love bags" store. How can I help you ?

    B:I'd like a schoolbag, because tomorrow is the first day of a new term.

    A:Ok. what size do you want, a small one, a middle one or a big one ?

    B:A big one please. I have many new subjects this term so a big one is better.

    A:And what color of the schoolbag do you want ? We have many colors here.

    B:A black one, please.

    A:Please wait a minute. Here you are. A big black schoolbag.

    B:Thank you very much. I like it. How much is it ?

    A:Thirty yuan.

    B:Here is the money. Bye bye.

