主持人:welcome back to (没听出来,可能是这个节目的名字)it’s time to meet the lastest dazzling music export from New York.She’s typically one of the biggest star of music and fashion of 2009.Of course we’re talking about Lady Gaga.We are very lucky cos see her on the (没听出来这词)
Lady Gaga:Hi,how are you doing?
主持人:Great to meet you,thanks so much for coming on.And you’re going to perform your single,that song alive just in a few minutes of time.Let’s do the quick chat first so.This is your year,isn’t it?When your time has come ,everyone can feel cos your song streams well,rush at the world,so this is in this country either,is it?
Lady Gaga:it’s really amazing that I’ve been working for a very long time and I just very love music and fashion,and art and performing and so just thanks everyone in the U.K for being so supportive
主持人 You are number one already,so we love your music .So describe the electric pop,what is it and what’s its influences do you think?
Lady Gaga:Well,it’s,you know,electronic pop music,it’s ,it gets some dance influence,a little bit techno,a lot of synthetic (后面两个词没听出来,后面紧接的一句也没听出来),In New York city I went to a lot very great parties and cool DJs.
主持人:Now your office is fantastic you’re wearing when you (这句话有几个词没听出来) cos fashion is a big deal as well not only music.
Lady Gaga:Thank goodness!Thank goodness it’s a big deal!
主持人:And you design your own clothes as well?
Lady Gaga:Yeah,we made these actually,me in house,we made this one ,and it’s inspired by (没听出来,可能是一个人名)dress,
主持人:Yeah,beautiful,maybe not for shopping,but certainly performing well.
Lady Gaga:I won’t go shopping in that,certainly.
主持人:Why not?Good feel!Ok,let’s listen to the single now,here it’s Lady Gaga with her number one single---“Let’s Dance” ,Ok,go!